Linux Slackware: chown


<sebaz> hi
<bird603568> hello

<sebaz> i need some help (excuse me for my bad english, it's not my native language)

<sebaz> i have slackware 11 i want to change a directory permission cause my user cannot write and can only read

<bird603568> sebaz, chown
<bird603568> or do you mean like make it read/writeable to all?

<NyteOwl> sebaz: chmod or chown depending on the circumstances

<bird603568> in that case its chmod

<sebaz> ok
<sebaz> ill try

<sebaz> it is /mnt/partage2/mes.documents that i want my user be able to write not only read

<bird603568> ya you can chmod or chown it

<sebaz> how

<bird603568> as root do chmod or chown

<sebaz> ok

<bird603568> i would probably do chown

<Meckafett> sebaz: chown -v sebaz:(yourgroup) file
<Meckafett> add -R if it's a dir

<sebaz> it is a dir

<Meckafett> sebaz: well then add -R
<Meckafett> =)

<sebaz> done thank you

<Meckafett> no problem

<sebaz> i have wrote that:  chown sebaz /mnt/partage2/mes.documents

<Meckafett> that works too

chown -R -v sebaz /dossier

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